Lit Fit Live! Faith & Flexibility Werkout

Having faith in the brilliance of your life can take some wiggle room!

I've often found that what I want from life wants me to, but it shows up differently than I expected.

At first, it feels like a BIG shock because it's not how I planned it, but that's because I was so rigid in my way to "get there" that I didn't make room for the magic!

Building flexibility in our body can set us up for excellent mobility, plasticity, and fluidity in other areas of our life that grow our confidence.

Like making space for a loving, healthy partnership or more time for creating that business, you've been contemplating starting.

Whatever you aspire in your life can happen, but it'll take some time to hone your skills and get the hang of em.

Like spiderman when he gets his spidy powers! (been re-watching the series lol)

A whole new level requires some dynamic flexibility & a strong sense of faith in your mind, body, and spirit.

So do the thing, practice the thing, and you'll get THE thing.

Get yo faith & flexibility on now with this 30 min cannabis fitness workout!

Work 1-1 with me here:

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